Dual Enrollment student Cailin Wilson (‘22) runs a photography business while attending school full time
Cailin Wilson (’22) sits on the rooftop of a parking garage near the University of Tampa. Photo provided by Cailin Wilson.
September 17, 2021
Cailin Wilson (‘22) aims her camera towards the band at Generations Christian Church, capturing images of the praise band. Wilson, a senior, runs her own photography business, scheduling clients, doing sessions, and editing pictures, all while attending school full time.
Wilson began her time as a photographer in 2011, maturing along with her camera skills through the years.
“I always loved the idea of pictures, and was fascinated by cameras and how they worked. I got my first camera for Christmas in 2011 and have loved it ever since,” Wilson said.
As a full-time dual enrollment student, Wilson takes five college classes, four of which are online. This way, she balances her business and her education.
“I do leave campus after first period. Since I take PHSC classes online, I’m able to make the time for them whenever my schedule allows, which offers me open availability for photo shoots,” Wilson said.
Wilson shoots a wide variety of subjects, ranging from families, senior portraits, sports games, and other events.
“Each shoot has its own qualities that I love. When I’m doing pictures of younger kids, I love to make them laugh, and their laughs are always so cute. With teens, I just love to capture their personalities and fun things about them. When doing family photo shoots, I really like being able to make the time memorable so that they can always look back at that day and think about how much fun they had,” Wilson said.
Alongside having her own business and attending Pasco-Hernando State College full-time, Wilson also takes photos for Generations Christian Church.
“I was reached out to by the social media team asking me to come test out how I liked working with them, and I absolutely loved it. My photos are used for anything from social media, events, recap videos, and more,” Wilson said.
For anyone with questions about how to get into photography, or who would like to schedule a session with Wilson, reach out to her at [email protected]. Her two instagram pages are @cailinwilson and @cailinwilsonphotography.