Students who have been planning to attend Playboi Carti’s “Antagonist” tour finally get to see the artist live after the tour was postponed from fall 2023 to early 2024 It was postponed due to an alleged legal battle with musical group Homixide Gang from due to member Summrs being jumped at a concert late last year.
Brock Garcia (’26) gives his viewpoint on the overall situation of the Antagonist tour.
“The concert being pushed back wasn’t bad news for me, but when it got pushed back again, it made me think if I should even go or not since it would have been a waste of time and money. I bought the tickets back in June [of 2023], and waiting over half a year or potentially more to attend a concert was not worth it,” Garcia said.
Aaron Carpenter (’25) expresses his opinion on the tour being delayed once again after buying tickets in June of 2023.
“I bought my tickets back in October [of 2023] for around $250, and I thought the concert would happen on October 25th, but it got pushed back. If the concert was pushed from the original dates again, I would end up not going since it wouldn’t be worth it in my opinion, since I waited a long time,” Carpenter said.
Ashton Kane (’27) shares his last minute plans to attend the concert, even after fans have refunded tickets due to the concert being postponed numerous times.
“I was anticipating going on Jan, 24th, but it got postponed. I’m thinking it may be Jan. 26th. My plans really didn’t get switched around, but I feel bad for people who did have plans since they’d have to rebook hotels, flights and stuff like that. I also didn’t have to spend any money for my tickets, a friend bought them, and Playboi Carti is my favorite artist so I couldn’t pass that.” Kane said.
Students who have been considering going to the concert have been speculating whether they should go since they paid hundreds of dollars to attend, just for it to be pushed back again more than once. This makes many reconsider if they should attend if the tour does continue as normal.